Journey to your Dream Home: New Series Coming Soon

You make countless decisions from the moment your alarm goes off in the morning. A study by Harvard Business Review found an adult makes an average of 35,000 decisions each day. If you are building a home, that number more than doubles. It can be hard to know exactly which direction to turn and how to get there. We have walked down this road many times with our clients as they ask questions such as:

  • Should I buy an existing home or build a new construction home?
  • How do I find the contractor/builder that is best for me?
  • What is the best option – stock or custom floorplans?
  • What can I do to prepare myself as I start the selection process for building a new home?
  • Do I select contractor’s cabinets (and if so which one) or opt for a custom design higher grade cabinet?
  • How do I choose the best Appliances?
  • What are some final tips as you prepare to move into your new home?

When building a new home, it is important to know which questions to ask. When you start the process, you may feel that the questions seem to come faster than you have answers.  But never fear, we are here to help.  I am moving into my own new home as we speak.  I’ve finished this grueling process and want to share with you the knowledge that I’ve picked up along the way.  In the coming weeks, Ideal will feature a series of blog posts that will dive headfirst into these topics, and I will give you some advice and tips from my experience, having just successfully finished my own new home journey.  Our hope is that as you head down the road to your dream home, we will be able to give you some helpful tips to make your journey a little easier.  Afterall, you need to focus on the other 35,000 decisions you need to make today.