When you enter the Ideal Cabinets Showroom in Roanoke, Virginia, you will be greeted with a warm genuine smile, and beautiful blue eyes that dance with laughter. Allow me to introduce you to our very own daily dose of sunshine, Sarah Hodges, the Office Manager of our Roanoke store.
William Thackeray once said that “A good laugh is sunshine in the house.” Sarah’s sunny disposition and laughter gives Ideal Cabinets Roanoke showroom the feeling of home. As Office Manager, Sarah is in the unique position of knowing how everyone else does their job, and how to best help each of us. She often anticipates what we need before we even know we need it. She’s that good. Sarah has a hand in everything that happens in Ideal from accounting to sales. She helps each of us perform better in our daily tasks.
Before working at Ideal, Sarah spent twenty years working in medical office administration. She gained valuable insight and managerial skills with her experience. While we know that the doctors she worked for miss her terribly, we are certainly glad she is on our team now.
Speaking of Teams, did I mention that Sarah is a big a sports fan. She loves local High School Football – “Go Staunton River Golden Eagles” and “Salem Spartans” ! In Pro football, she loves the Denver Broncos and she likes the Chicago Cubs in pro baseball.
Sarah enjoys living in Virginia with its beautiful mountains, farmlands, and country roads. When Sarah is away from the office she loves spending time with her family on her farm. She is married and has three children, and six beautiful grandchildren. Her extended family includes one cat, three dogs, eight goats, twenty chickens, and a donkey. Now that’s a big family.
Sarah has a heart for taking care of others, and just like she takes care of all of us at Ideal every day, she also takes care of her family and her animals.
When asked what her favorite thing about working at Ideal is, Sarah said” That question makes my head hurt.” and in typical Sarah fashion, she laughed and said, “Everything, I love everything about working here.”
Sarah has been an integral part of the Ideal team for over ten years now. She was recently recognized with a plaque for her ten years of service. We appreciate that service more than she will ever know, and we are very glad that she is the sunshine in our house.