Meet Laura Spencer of Ideal Cabinets

Hi, I’m Laura Spencer. I’m the CFO at Ideal Cabinets. Before I tell you my story, I think it is important to share with you my life’s verse, because I feel like it defines who I am. “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

My Grandma always told me that God made me extra special. She knew how to make me feel unique, and confident, something I didn’t always feel growing up.  Fortunately for me, my grandma lived next door, so I could run across the field (we lived out in the country) and see her anytime I wanted (which was a lot).

If you know me, then you know that I’m a southern belle at heart. I’m mama’s baby, and daddy’s girl. I am blessed with a large extended family of wonderful aunts, uncles, and cousins that I love dearly.  I’m very proud that I can trace my family tree to Gatlinburg, Tennessee. There is something special about those mountains, and I’m so proud that those mountains and those people are a part of my heritage.

My Grandma’s dream was for me to go to college, so I did. I attended Pensacola Christian College where I earned a Bachelor of Arts in Pre-Law (my grandma was so proud.) Life has a strange way of changing your path, so I never went to Law School. Instead, I ended up being a teacher for seven years. I taught many wonderful students along my journey. I still think of them as my “kids”. Somewhere during my life’s journey, I went back to school and received my Master of Arts in Education from Liberty University.

However, it wasn’t long before my path changed, and God sent me the man of my dreams. (I’d kissed a few toads along the way) but I finally found the right one, and he turned into my prince. I now believe in true love because of him. We have been through many ups and downs in the last twenty years, and he has stood by me every step of the way never wavering with his love for me. He makes me a better person every day because he believes in me and loves me unconditionally. I thank God every day for him.

The man of my dreams lived in the mountains of Roanoke, Virginia. When I moved here, I took a new career path, business and accounting. I had the privilege of working for Boone Homes (formerly Boone & Company) for nine years. Working there was an education, I feel like I should have earned an MBA with the knowledge I gained in my years there.

Then in October of 2016, I started working at Ideal Cabinets. They have welcomed me and made me feel at home.  It has been a perfect fit for me.  My favorite thing about working here is the people I work with. I am honored to know the Rakes family, and to be a part of something that they have poured their lives into for fifty-five years, and every day I am thankful to work with such a talented group of people. We sell amazing products, the best in the industry. However, it is this great team of people that bring those products to life, and make the perfect design for each customer they see, that sets us apart from everyone else.

Throughout my life there have been many changes in my path that I may not have chosen for myself, but whatever came my way, God has always stood by me and made things “work together for good”. I have seen it in my life many times.
I still haven’t told you about the biggest blessing in my life, and that is my incredible daughter, Cecelia (who is of course named for my Grandma).  The saying “I’m so proud I could just burst” comes to mind. I may be a little biased, but I think that she is everything that is beautiful and good in this world all wrapped into one little package. My heart overflows with love for her.

One last thing about me before I close. My favorite song is Angels Among Us, recorded by the biggest country group of all time, Alabama, and written by Don Goodman and Becky Hobbs. This is the chorus.

I believe there are Angels Among Us

sent down to us from somewhere up above

They come to you and me in our darkest hours

To show us how to live,

To teach us how to give,

 To Guide us with the light of love.


This song has meant so much to me because whenever I have been in need, God has sent just the right person along to be there for me, to be my “angel.”  Real people can be “angels” in other people’s lives and not even realize it.   I’m thankful for all of the “angels” God sent my way, and I do my best to return the favor to others whenever I can.  If we can just add a little bit of hope each day to someone’s life then that day is not wasted.

At Ideal Cabinets, we try to never waste a single day.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. THELDA Forbes

    I would just like to say that I’ve had the privilege and honor of knowing this Wonder Woman and her beautiful daughter inside and out and you could not have the honor of knowing better people!
    Thanks for our times together!

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